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Products / Master Mixes / SciPhiTM Coloured PCR Master Mix (2x)

SciPhiTM Coloured PCR Master Mix (2x)

SciPhiTM Coloured PCR Master Mix

Catalog Number
  • NXG322-L       :           200 Reactions
  • NXG322-M      :           100 Reactions
  • NXG322-M      :           50 Reactions
  • NXG322-XS    :           10 Reactions

Product Description

  • SciPhi™ Coloured PCR Master Mix (2X): Ready-to-use premixed solution contains Taq DNA Polymerase, optimized coloured buffer, MgCl2, and dNTPs.
  • Amplification Performance: Capable of amplifying up to 6 kb from genomic DNA and up to 20 kb from viral DNA.
  • PCR Products: Generates PCR products with 3’-dA overhangs.
  • Direct Loading: Includes a specialized coloured buffer enabling direct loading of PCR products onto gels.
  • Yield: High yield in comparison to conventional Taq polymerase.
  • Applications: Suitable for
    • Direct gel loading,
    • Genotyping,
    • High-throughput PCR, and
    • Routine amplification of DNA fragments up to 6 kb.
    • PCR products for downstream sequencing applications.
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